AI or Not is an AI detector that identifies AI generated images, audio, and KYC documents for free. It helps businesses prevent fraud, enhance content moderation, and combat KYC scams. is the first AI hiring assistant that helps businesses hire faster and more efficiently by screening resumes and identifying top candidates with its AI ranking algorithm.
AI-generated flashcards, word explanations, and summaries, along with organizational tools. These resources optimize study time, aiding in comprehension and retention. Assistena streamlines learning, empowering students to excel academically.
Rowsup is an all-in-one AI-powered system designed for Product Managers to enhance productivity and streamline workflow.
Pic2Game AI is an app and web app that transforms your pictures to look as if they came from videogames. It reimagines your favorite moments as characters, scenes, and art from the games you love.
BrickCenter is an AI Lego Generator that transforms text into custom Lego sets, allows creating custom minifigures, and offers unique Lego creations.
Vêtement ou catastrophe est un site web qui se fonde sur les machines à apprendre pour évaluer l'apparence à partir d'images chargées.
Одежда и катастрофа - это оценка, основанная на изображениях, которая появляется после загрузки страницы веб-сайта.
Ropa o desastre es un sitio web que se basa en máquinas de aprendizaje para evaluar la apariencia a partir de imágenes cargadas.
Kleidung oder Katastrophe ist eine Website, die auf Menschenmaschinen basiert, um das Aussehen anhand hochgeladener Bilder zu beurteilen.
Vestuário e catástrofe são uma avaliação baseada em imagens que aparece após carregamento da página do website.
Build, Integrate and Deploy AI Assistants in Minutes. Easy to use, scalable admin portal for deploying and managing AI Assistants.