iyiai is an AI-powered chat platform that lets users converse with legendary figures from films, history, and mythology.
Fluency is a process excellence platform that automates step-by-step documentation, making automation accessible to all business users.
Magifind uses AI to truly understand the intent behind a customer's search, not just match keywords. This semantic approach allows to return highly relevant results, guiding customers to the exact products they are looking for.
Собрать команду молодых людей под руководством опытных инструкторов с использованием специальных методов и уникальной базы данных для достижения эффективного процесса. Этот метод использует человеческие ресурсы в организованном порядке, что позволяет эффективно обрабатывать документы.
Conversations de sécurité sont la première solution basée sur l'intelligence artificielle qui protège les employés contre les attaques par ingénierie sociale par téléphone et messages texte. Elle utilise l'intelligence artificielle et une base de données spéciale pour arrêter les attaques en temps réel.
SafeSpeak is the world's first AI-based solution that protects employees from social engineering attacks via phone calls and texting. It leverages AI and a proprietary database to stop attacks in real-time.
Security conversations are the world's first AI-based solution that protects employees from attacks by phone and SMS social engineering. It uses AI and a special database to stop attacks in real-time.
Conversaciones de seguridad son la primera solución basada en inteligencia artificial que protege a los empleados contra ataques por ingeniería social por teléfono y mensajes de texto. Utiliza inteligencia artificial y una base de datos especial para detener ataques en tiempo real.
Kōdan no kyōkun wa jittai no chokuseki o motte, seinen no gakushoku ni yoru sōgō kōkan no tame ni yūjō shite imasu. Kono hōhō wa jinzai tsukaiteki na gijutsu to tokusetsu na database o ryōgō shite, chokuseki o kikai sekinin de ugokasu.
Assemble a team of young people through the guidance and supervision of experienced instructors, using special methods and a unique database to achieve efficient processing. This method utilizes human resources in an organized manner, enabling efficient processing of documents.
Sicherheitsgespräche sind das weltweit erste auf AI basierte Lösung, die Mitarbeiter vor Angriffen durch Telefon- und SMS-Social-Engineering schützt. Sie verwendet AI und eine spezielle Datenbank, um Attacken in Echtzeit zu stoppen.
An end-to-end interviewing solution that automates Interviews, generates reports, and facilitates approval processes with AI interviewers.
Translate Web Apps to 80+ Languages Instantly. Automatically generate i18next translations for your app.
NoteButler makes PDFs searchable in Notion by automatically adding AI summaries to your PDFs, enhancing searchability and productivity.
Virtual fashion models for e-commerce apparel brands. Showcase your e-commerce apparel with unique AI generated fashion models that replicate high-end photoshoots, without the high costs.